Female Protagonist
The aspect of the female protagonist predates Feminist Literary Criticism, but is never-the-less an important aspect of it. The female protagonist allows for empathy towards a female character. It also allows for a subjective treatment of femininity rather than objective.
Feminist Literary Criticism addresses the role and treatment of women within literature. The literary aspect of Feminism is cloesly tied with the cultural movement itself. The focus of Feminist Literary Criticism has changed over time, but still encompasses overall gender equality. Below are some examples (though not all-inclusive) of characteristics in Feminist Literature. Not all works are made with the intention of being Feminist, however that does not stop them from being viewed through the Feminist Lens.
What is Feminist Literary Criticism?
Female Antagonist
While a component of non-feminist literature, the female antagonist can serve as a statement of female power or sympathy, depending on the character's dichotomy.
Female-dominant Society
To provide a alternative aspect towards the struggles of women in history, some Feminist literature portrays a society in which males are culturally subdued. This provides a reversed example of some of the hardships of women throughout history.
Historically Masculine Roles for Females
In some Feminist literature, females play a role of power in a time period that would make such a position controversial. In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, Dagny Taggart, the protagonist, is the Vice President and true power behind Taggart Transcontinental in the 1950s.
"Damsel in Distress" Reversal
While many conventional forms of literature portray a male character saving a female from danger, Feminist literature will commonly reserve this scenario, making for a man availed by a powerful woman.